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South Bay Bar Association
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South Bay Bar Association
Consumer Attorneys association of Los Angeles
Consumer Attorneys California
Clients' Choice Award
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We believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly, and we're here to fight for our clients' rights.

Maggio v. First Solar Corporation

Construction worker electrocuted on job site after safety procedure failure by First Solar Corporation. Kermani LLP recovered $51.3 Million for the Plaintiffs severe injuries.

$51.3 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Siddique v. Confidential

A child was tragically killed at a major retailer and our team fought to obtain the largest child wrongful death settlement in Georgia history.

$7.5 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Confidential v Confidential

Client was sexually assaulted in a parking lot of an Atlanta apartment complex by an unknown assailant. Through intense depositions and a thorough investigation of tens of thousands of pages of documents, we exposed the Defendants.

$7 million

Verdict / Settlement

Salah v. Confidential

A small company attempted to unjustly deprive our clients of their rightful share of the partnership profits. Kermani LLP's aggressive litigation led to court-ordered millions for our clients prior to the company's bankruptcy.

$4.49 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Tufele v. Confidential

Our clients were assaulted by a criminal gang at a bar. Through diligent investigation, we exposed the landlord's questionable history, resulting in a successful $3.1 Million settlement from the landlord.

$3.1 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Faiz v. Confidential

Our client's daughter experienced an incident on the freeway, resulting in her death, caused by a motorist with insufficient insurance coverage. With aggressive litigation, we obtained a big settlement from the non-liable employer for damages.

$2.35 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Confidential v UPS

UPS truck crashed into client causing injuries and requiring epidural injections. No surgery.

$1.2 Million

Verdict / Settlement

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Personal Attention & Results: We’re highly-rated by our clients and have recovered over $100,000,000 in combined verdicts and settlements.

$100M +

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Kermani LLP handles personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means, you don’t pay a thing unless we win.

Experienced trial attorneys

What sets us apart is our vast trial experience. We’ve litigated over 100 trials in the past five years alone with one of the highest success rates in the country.

Focus on personal injury cases

Our attorneys specialize in personal injury cases and we are dedicated to pursuing justice on behalf of our clients.

Available 24/7

We are available 24 hours a day to serve you. You can always count on Kermani LLP to be there when you need us the most.

Multilingual staff

Kermani LLP is proud to be a diverse and multi-cultural firm. Our legal experts speak your language and are ready to assist you 24/7.

Five years after experiencing a spinal cord injury, patients were asked whether they’d returned to work, and only about one in five answered ‘yes’.

Unfortunately, a spinal cord injury often severely limits a person’s ability to perform tasks at the same level as prior to the injury. As a result, many individuals are never able to fully return to their careers. On top of losing a significant chunk of income, patients might also experience a host of other losses associated with the accident that caused their spinal cord injury. These losses may come in the form of significant medical expenses, property damage, a loss of quality of life, or even mental distress.

If you’ve recently experienced an accident that led to a spinal injury, then you might want to get in touch with a spine injury lawyer who can go over your options. When that accident was someone else’s fault who had a legal duty to provide for your care, you could have legal recourse. Learn more about these injuries, your legal options, and how the Kermani LLP firm can help you navigate a potential claim below.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord is a system made up of nerves that run from your brainstem down into your lower back. This delicate yet crucial structure is susceptible to damage, but it usually takes a significant amount of pressure or force to cause a spinal cord injury.

  1. The number one cause of injuries to the spine is car accidents. A car accident can lead to a traumatizing blow to your spinal cord or the tissues, vertebrae, discs, or ligaments surrounding it. Any damage to these areas will result in a spinal injury.
  2. Falls are the second leading cause of spinal injuries. Older individuals are more vulnerable to suffering damage from a slip and fall, but anyone can experience this type of injury after a fall. This is especially true when the fall happens from a height.
  3. Another common cause of spinal cord injuries is intentional acts of violence. Assaults, batteries, and other physical attacks can damage the spine, nerves, ligaments, and surrounding areas.
  4. Diseases and sports accidents can also cause spinal cord injuries.

Navigating the Different Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Your spinal cord is your body’s messaging system, so any type of damage to this crucial component can leave you immobilized, unable to feel your extremities, and dependent on someone else. Your spinal cord transmits sensory details from your extremities to your brain, and it also delivers instructions from your brain to your body parts.

Since the spinal cord runs all the way from your brain down to the center of your back, where you get injured plays a huge role in how severe your symptoms will manifest. Below, we’ll go over some of the most common types of spinal cord injuries.

Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries

The cervical spine vertebra are the initial parts of your spinal cord that start at the brain stem and end around the neck (the C8 cervical nerve). Since these nerves are the closest to the brain, they also impact a larger portion of the body. These types of spinal cord injuries can be the most extreme. They can lead to quadriplegia, which means a lack of feeling and mobility below the neck and shoulders.

The good news is that most of these injuries are not permanent. Unfortunately, when they are permanent, they’re usually of the most severe variety. Some individuals with this type of injury will require permanent around-the-clock care for the rest of their lives.

Thoracic Spinal Cord Injuries

The thoracic spine vertebra stems from the shoulders down to your abdominal muscles. It also includes the chest area. Injuries to this area of the spinal cord can result in symptoms like a loss of control over one’s bladder, fever, a loss of feeling in the genitals, and a loss of sensation in the legs. Generally, a spinal cord injury to the thoracic area causes paraplegia but the person’s hands and arms function as normal.

Lumbar Spinal Cord Injuries

The lumber spine vertebra controls the leg muscles. Injuries to this area usually cause a loss of function in the hips and legs or a loss of the ability to control one’s bladder or bowels. Depending on the severity of the injury, this type of spinal cord damage can cause a patient to require a wheelchair or leg braces.

Sacral Spinal Cord Injuries

The final part of the spinal cord controls a person’s bladder and bowels. This type of nerve damage can impact a person’s fertility. It can cause pain in the buttocks, heel, calf, pinky toes, ankles, and pelvic cavity. Symptoms can include erectile dysfunction.

Recognizing the Symptoms and Warnings of Spinal Cord Damage

If you experience a serious incident, like a fall or a truck accident, then it’s always best to have a full physical checkup with a doctor who can evaluate your situation. You could potentially have spinal cord damage if you experience warning signs and symptoms like:

  • Severe back pain or pressure;
  • Weakness;
  • Loss of control of your bladder;
  • Immobility or a loss of sensation in your extremities;
  • Trouble breathing;
  • Muscles spasms;
  • Pain and stinging sensations throughout your body.

The Far-Reaching Consequences of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can have far-reaching consequences for a person whose mobility and sensations are altered. Many patients with spinal cord injuries aren’t able to return to their pre-injury routines for months, and the recovery period for these injuries is significant. From physical injuries to financial losses, the consequences are steep. What’s more, a person may lose their independence temporarily or permanently.

If you experience significant consequences as a result of your injury, then it might be best to contact a spinal cord injuries lawyer who can help you learn more about your options.

Financial Impacts and Long-Term Care Considerations

The financial impacts of a spinal cord injury are often substantial. Medical bills themselves can be costly, but you might also lose out on work, too. The loss of your independence could also result in more losses if you’re suddenly unable to fulfill your obligations as a parent or care provider for someone else. Depending on the circumstances of your accident, the incident might also involve other losses like property damage. A spinal cord injury attorney from Kermani LLP can help you unpack all the aspects of the financial impacts of your injury.

Another important consideration is the long-term care requirements of someone who has suffered a significant spinal cord injury. Statistics show that around 30% of patients get re-hospitalized due to their condition after initially receiving treatment for a spinal cord injury. This statistic shows that the recovery time for these types of injuries is quite significant. On average, it can take a patient around 18 months to recover from a serious spinal cord injury, but many of these injuries cause long-term and even life-long consequences. That said, many individuals with serious spinal cord injuries will need consistent medical care for the duration of their lifetime.

If you believe your injury will lead to long-term care considerations, then it’s important to talk to a spinal injury lawyer. The right attorney will match you with a medical expert who can help you evaluate the extent of your potential future losses.

What Compensation is Available for Victims?

Spinal cord injury lawyers help injured individuals file claims for compensation in the form of medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, mental distress, and more. In general, you’ll be eligible for compensation in the form of any economic or non-economic damages you endure as a result of an accident that was someone else’s fault. To get more details, consider consulting with Kermani LLP’s attorney who will provide expert legal advice tailored to your specific situation.

Pursuing Damages in Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuits

Spinal cord injury attorneys help you pursue damages by first evaluating your accident. They’ll identify who could potentially be liable for your losses based on who had a legal duty to provide for your care and what caused your accident. If someone else caused your injury, then an attorney can help you measure the value of your losses and back up your claims with proof. From there, you’ll file your claim and begin negotiating with the other party.

Why Choose Kermani For Your Spinal Cord Injury Case

The spine injury attorneys here at Kermani LLP are prepared to help you achieve the best possible results in your claim. You can rely on the team’s experience, knowledge, and passion to help you.

Kermani’s Commitment to Spinal Cord Injury Clients

Every spinal injury attorney at Kermani LLP cares deeply about every client we serve. We personalize every case we handle because it is important to us to fully understand how your accident and losses have impacted your life so we can build the best claim for you.

Schedule a Free, No-Obligation Case Evaluation Today

A spinal cord injury is often very devastating because it impairs a person’s mobility and ability to remain independent. In mild cases, the injury might have a short recovery period, but even the most minute spinal cord injuries are still serious and can lead to long-term impacts on your quality of life.

That said, if you get diagnosed with a spinal injury after experiencing an accident that wasn’t your fault, then it’s time to get in touch with a spine injury attorney. A lawyer will help you identify your legal options and evaluate your losses to ensure you know how much your claim is worth.

Are you ready to get a free case evaluation? Schedule a meeting with our firm now to find out more about your options.

Ray Kermani
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Our approach is thorough and empathetic. We strive to fully understand your situation and all potential damages.



Discussing case details, strategy, and preparation.



Gathering documents and interviewing witnesses.



Preparation, negotiation & court representation.


Decision and Execution

Analyzing the decision and overseeing its execution.



Discussing case details, strategy, and preparation.



Gathering documents and interviewing witnesses.



Preparation, negotiation & court representation.


Decision and

Analyzing the decision and overseeing its execution.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Ray Kermani

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What are the first steps I should take legally after suffering a spinal cord injury?

Immediately after a spinal cord injury, you need to get medical attention. You may need to call 911 depending on the severity of the situation. Otherwise, get to a hospital ASAP. Spinal cord injuries are often very serious and require prompt medical care. If possible, then you’ll also want to report the incident. This report may need to be filed with the police, the property owner, a business owner, a business employee, a hospital, or someone else depending on where and how your accident happened. Next, start documenting and collecting evidence of your losses.

How is liability determined in spinal cord injury cases?

In a spinal cord injury case, liability will be determined based on:

  1. If a legal duty to provide for the care of the injured person existed.
  2. Whether that legal duty was breached.
  3. If that breach of a duty to provide care caused the accident.

If these factors are present, then courtrooms will consider the person with the legal duty of care legally responsible for the financial fallout of the incident.

Can I seek compensation for long-term care and rehabilitation costs?

Absolutely. The legally liable party should pay for all the losses associated with your accident and injury including any long-term care or rehabilitation needs you develop due to the injury you sustained in the accident.

What is the statute of limitations for filing a spinal cord injury lawsuit?

You’ll have up to two years to file a claim for compensation after experiencing your accident. Some unique circumstances might extend that time limit, including if you were a minor when the accident occurred or if you didn’t reasonably discover your injury until a later date. For instance, if a medical malpractice incident caused your injury and your doctor doesn’t diagnose you, then you might not reasonably know about your injury until a later date. In these circumstances, your statute of limitations begins when you discover your injury or you should’ve reasonably discovered your injury.

How do spinal cord injury claims differ from other personal injury claims?

Spinal cord injury claims are usually more complex than other personal injury claims due to the severity of the injury and the extent of the losses. Since these injuries can be very serious, they can lead to significant long-term or even permanent losses. This usually means the settlement will be large and it will take longer to resolve.

How does a lawyer calculate the value of a spinal cord injury case?

Your lawyer will calculate the value of your claim by adding up all your economic losses, including things like your medical expenses and lost wages. Then, they’ll consider the extent of your non-economic losses, like a loss in the quality of life or pain and suffering. Next, your attorney will consider who was at fault and your own level of fault.

How can a spinal cord injury attorney help me navigate my medical and legal needs?

Your attorney will be your best legal advocate. At Kermani LLP we help identify resources to assist you in meeting your medical needs as well as guide you through the entire legal process as you seek compensation for your losses.

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Gerry Spence Method
South Bay Bar Association
Consumer Attorneys association of Los Angeles