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Right before the summer of 2023, 85% of Americans eagerly reported that they’d be taking at least one vacation over the summer. Regardless of how far you travel on your summer holiday, it’s important to take advantage of the warmer weather and take a break from your responsibilities.

Going abroad comes with certain risks, though, like getting injured on holiday. Holiday injuries are always far more complicated, especially if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence. Under these circumstances, it’s best to simply get the medical treatment you need, report the accident, and hire a vacation accident lawyer. Your attorney will be able to advise you on your legal options and help you make an informed decision on how to handle your losses going forward.

Learn more about vacation accident injuries and how to handle a claim below.

Common Types of Accidents on Holiday

Holiday injury claims encompass many different types of scenarios. One of the most common types of personal injury accidents you might experience while on vacation is a car accident. Car crashes that happen in your own vehicle are much easier to resolve than issues that happen while you are renting a car. Either way, it will typically be the responsibility of the at-fault driver to cover the costs of the collision.

Other common types of accidents that can happen while you’re on vacation include:

• A slip and fall accident

• Burn injuries

• Food poisoning

• Getting assaulted or robbed at a hotel or on a resort

• Injuries acquired while participating in recreational activities

• Product-related injuries

Steps to Take if You Got Hurt in a Personal Injury Accident on Holiday

If you suffer from a personal injury on holiday, then you need to consider your next steps very carefully. The next moves you make could strengthen or demolish your legal right to pursue compensation. In general, accident on holiday claims follow a specific order. Below, we’ll go over what you should do step-by-step to ensure any potential future claim goes as smoothly as possible.

Document the Incident

In the immediate aftermath of the incident, you need to analyze your condition. If you’re severely injured, then don’t wait to either call 911 or yell for help so that a nearby person can call 911 for you. If you need to, then focus on getting the help you need.

In less severe situations, you may be able to begin documenting the incident while you wait for help to arrive or before you go to the hospital. If possible, then take photographs of the accident scene. Ask nearby witnesses for their contact details. Look around to determine if the accident could’ve been captured on a nearby camera. For instance, a slip and fall in a business could’ve been captured on the store’s surveillance camera, but you’ll need to inform the company quickly to ensure they preserve the footage. In a car accident, someone’s dash cam or a nearby business or traffic camera could have recorded the incident.

Seek Medical Attention

Depending on the severity of your situation, you may need immediate medical attention. If that’s the case, then don’t hesitate to call emergency services.

Your medical treatment impacts your case, so you need to get the care you need as soon as possible. Delaying treatment could derail your case or make it difficult to get the compensation you deserve. That said, you should get medical attention as soon as possible even when your injuries are considered ‘mild’ or ‘moderate’.

Doctor or nurse providing medical attention to an injured person

Report the Incident

Once your immediate medical needs are taken care of, you should report the incident. Depending on the situation, someone else may have made a report. For instance, if you were involved in a car accident, then someone should’ve called the police to make an official report. If you were hurt at a business, then an employee should’ve reported the incident when it happened. Regardless, you should still verify that an official report was made in these situations.

Reporting what happened is crucial because the responsible party may need to implement safety measures quickly to prevent others from getting hurt, too. It also helps ensure that the incident is officially documented and on record.

Contact a Accident Lawyer and File a Claim

Next, you should consider speaking directly with a injury lawyer about what happened. Your accident attorney will go over the details of your claim to help you judge if you should take legal action against a potentially responsible party. If you do have the basis to seek out a claim, then your attorney can help take the necessary steps to start and finalize your claim.

Travel Accident Compensation in California: How a Lawyer Can Help

When you’ve been in an accident where the facts are clear and another party is responsible, you might think getting your travel accident compensation will be just as straightforward as the facts. Unfortunately, the responsible party will always have an incentive to refute your claims or minimize them so they can pay you less. A lawyer can help you gain clarity on your situation and make a solid decision based on your legal rights and options. If you have a case, then your attorney will advocate for you, help you document all your losses, prove your claims, and negotiate with the other party.


Do you have more questions about your injured abroad claim? It’s always your best option to speak directly with an attorney about your situation to get answers that are more tailored to your unique circumstances. That said, we will go over some general answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about vacation related injury claims below.

What is the Time Limit for Personal Injury Claims in California?

After a personal injury accident in California, statute of limitations laws state that the injured party has up to two years to file a claim. There are very limited exceptions to this, so if you think you might still have a claim, then speak with an attorney about what happened.

What Should I Do If I’m Involved in an Accident on Holiday in California?

Holiday accidents not only derail your fun, but they can also cause you serious stress in the aftermath of the incident. If you get involved in this type of situation, then first get the care you need. From there, contact a lawyer and get back to enjoying your vacation as much as possible while also focusing on your recovery.

Can a Vacation Accident Lawyer Represent me If I Live Out of State?

Yes; it is far better to hire an attorney that is local to the area where your case will be heard. Local lawyers will have a better understanding of the area’s specific laws, courtroom procedures, and frequent court employees. If you hire a lawyer from your state, then they may not be licensed to represent you in the vacation state.

Can I Claim Compensation for an Accident Abroad?

Yes; vacation compensation claims are very common, and may be necessary in situations where an accident leads to severe losses, like a brain injury claim or a wrongful death situation.

Are You Ready to Talk to a Accident Lawyer in California?

You’ve spent months planning out your vacation and working diligently to be able to afford the costs of taking a break, but everything can come screeching to a halt if you suddenly experience an accident with injuries during the vacation. If you experience a personal injury in California while visiting on vacation, then our team of dedicated attorneys can help you with your claim.

Our firm was established over a decade ago in 2011 with the primary goal of helping injured individuals take advantage of the law to get the compensation they deserve. We know California’s personal injury laws in depth, and we have plenty of experience negotiating fair settlements for our clients.

Schedule a call with our team today to learn more about your options and potentially get started on your case.

July 16, 2024

Ray Kermani
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