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Why people choose Kermani LLP

Personal Attention & Results: We’re highly-rated by our clients and have recovered over $100,000,000 in combined verdicts and settlements.

$100M +

Recovered for Clients


Litigated Trials


Successful Cases


Attorneys & Staff

Proven track record

We’re highly-experienced and client-focused. We fight because we care about your cause. Let one of our lawyers fight to get you the results you deserve.

No fees unless we win

Kermani LLP handles personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means, you don’t pay a thing unless we win.

Experienced trial attorneys

What sets us apart is our vast trial experience. We’ve litigated over 100 trials in the past five years alone with one of the highest success rates in the country.

Focus on personal injury cases

Our attorneys specialize in personal injury cases and we are dedicated to pursuing justice on behalf of our clients.

Available 24/7

We are available 24 hours a day to serve you. You can always count on Kermani LLP to be there when you need us the most.

Multilingual staff

Kermani LLP is proud to be a diverse and multi-cultural firm. Our legal experts speak your language and are ready to assist you 24/7.


We deliver results for our clients

We believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly, and we're here to fight for our clients' rights.

See all results
Injury Lawyers Kermani LLP
See all results

Maggio v. First Solar Corporation

Construction worker electrocuted on job site after safety procedure failure by First Solar Corporation. Kermani LLP recovered $51.3 Million for the Plaintiffs severe injuries.

$51.3 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Siddique v. Confidential

A child was tragically killed at a major retailer and our team fought to obtain the largest child wrongful death settlement in Georgia history.

$7.5 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Confidential v Confidential

Client was sexually assaulted in a parking lot of an Atlanta apartment complex by an unknown assailant. Through intense depositions and a thorough investigation of tens of thousands of pages of documents, we exposed the Defendants.

$7 million

Verdict / Settlement

Salah v. Confidential

A small company attempted to unjustly deprive our clients of their rightful share of the partnership profits. Kermani LLP's aggressive litigation led to court-ordered millions for our clients prior to the company's bankruptcy.

$4.49 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Tufele v. Confidential

Our clients were assaulted by a criminal gang at a bar. Through diligent investigation, we exposed the landlord's questionable history, resulting in a successful $3.1 Million settlement from the landlord.

$3.1 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Faiz v. Confidential

Our client's daughter experienced an incident on the freeway, resulting in her death, caused by a motorist with insufficient insurance coverage. With aggressive litigation, we obtained a big settlement from the non-liable employer for damages.

$2.35 Million

Verdict / Settlement

Confidential v UPS

UPS truck crashed into client causing injuries and requiring epidural injections. No surgery.

 $1.2 Million

Verdict / Settlement

How it works

About our process
No fees unless you win

Our approach is thorough and empathetic. We strive to fully understand your situation and all potential damages.



Discussing case details, strategy, and preparation.



Gathering documents and interviewing witnesses.



Preparation, negotiation & court representation.


Decision and Execution

Analyzing the decision and overseeing its execution.



Discussing case details, strategy, and preparation.



Gathering documents and interviewing witnesses.



Preparation, negotiation & court representation.


Decision and

Analyzing the decision and overseeing its execution.

On average, about 11,000 individuals will sustain a spinal cord injury every year in America, and about 500-600 of them will happen within Georgia’s state lines. Spinal cord injuries can happen for a number of reasons, but the outcome is always the same — a temporary or permanent loss of sensations and movement due to the damage done to the central nervous system.

When you sustain such a serious injury, it’s often necessary to consider how you’ll pay for the expenses associated with it. In some cases, you may be able to find some financial relief by seeking compensation from a negligent party. To determine if that’s an option in your situation, you’ll want to speak directly with spinal cord injury lawyers in Atlanta who will go over the unique facts surrounding your accident.

Learn more about spinal cord injuries, how they happen in Atlanta, and how Kermani LLP can help below.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in Atlanta

The number one cause of spinal cord injuries is a car accident. Motor vehicle accidents can cause a spinal cord injury when trauma occurs to the tissue, vertebrae, discs, or ligaments around your spinal cord. The trauma can happen due to a sudden blow to the spine, a crushing injury, or a puncture wound.

Damage to the spinal cord can also be caused by:

  • slip and fall accidents;
  • sports injuries;
  • damage from trampolines;
  • intentional violence (assault, stab wounds, gunshots);
  • infections;
  • medical or surgical complications.

The Impact of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injury damage can be completely life-altering, especially if the injury occurs higher up on the spinal cord. When this type of injury occurs, it can cause paralysis, meaning the injured person won’t be able to feel or move their lower body. As you can imagine, this type of loss of function is devastating and requires consistent long-term care.

Available Treatments for Spinal Cord Injuries in Atlanta

Some spinal cord injuries can be treated and managed through surgery, traction, splints, or medications. That said, not all spinal cord injuries can be treated, and a full recovery may not be possible depending on the severity of the injury.

Legal Steps to Take Following a Spinal Cord Injury in Atlanta

After getting treatment for your spinal cord injuries and considering your losses, you’ll want to research your legal options. If someone else’s negligence or recklessness played a role in your accident, then liability laws might allow you to pursue a claim against the responsible party to cover your expenses.

  1. You’ll want to find a local spine injury lawyer in Georgia with experience handling spinal cord injuries.
  2. Start collecting documentation that proves your losses, like your medical bills or past pay stubs that show your wages.
  3. Talk to your lawyer about what happened. Your lawyer will help you identify potential sources of recourse like the other driver, a property owner, a product manufacturer, a business, or a healthcare provider.
  4. If your lawyer believes you have a case, then they’ll take the next steps necessary to file your claim, negotiate with the other party, and reach a solid settlement agreement.

How Kermani LLP Can Assist in Spinal Cord Injury Cases

Here at Kermani LLP, our highly experienced lawyers understand that spinal cord injury claims are complex. Your losses are likely substantial, and you’ll need to consider the potential long-term impacts of your injury before you file a claim. What’s more, if negligence plays a role, then our team will help you collect evidence that proves the breach of the duty of care towards you. Don’t settle for less than what you deserve. Let our team of lawyers look over the facts surrounding your case while you focus on your physical recovery.

Pursuing Full Compensation for Spinal Cord Injuries

If you do pursue a settlement for your spinal cord injury, then you want to make sure that you properly value your claim before agreeing to a monetary amount. You’ll need to consider all your losses from your current and future medical bills to your emotional pain and suffering. Additionally, you’ll want to take into account the time you’re missing off of work, any property damage sustained in the accident, and any other long-term losses you think you’ll experience due to your accident.

Understanding the Statute of Limitations for Spinal Cord Injury Claims in Atlanta

Georgia’s statute of limitation laws set a time limit for injured individuals hoping to file a compensation claim. Under the law, you have up to two years from the date of your accident to file a spinal cord injury claim.

Contact Kermani LLP for Expertise in Spinal Cord Injury Cases in Georgia

If you experience an accident that results in a spinal cord injury, then it’s often necessary to consider your legal options for financial recovery. This is especially true if your injuries require a long-term recovery period. 

The good news is that with Kermani LLP, you can pursue a personal injury claim and recover compensation for expenses like your medical bills, lost wages, property damage, and other losses you experience due to the crash. Our trusted attorneys will help you consider the severity of your injury and seek compensation for pain, suffering, or emotional distress.

Are you ready to talk to a spinal cord injury attorney in Atlanta and get informed regarding your options? Schedule a meeting with our team now to get started on your case.

Ray Kermani
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Frequently Asked Questions

Ray Kermani
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How do I know if I have a valid spinal cord injury claim in Atlanta

The best way to know if you have a valid spinal injury claim in Atlanta is to speak with an attorney. In general, though, if someone else had a legal duty to provide for your care and they failed to do so, you likely have a claim.

What types of compensation are available for spinal cord injury victims in Atlanta?

In general, there are two types of compensation available in a spinal cord injury lawsuit: compensatory damages and punitive damages.

  • Compensatory damages are designed to reimburse you for the losses you incurred due to the injury and accident. 
  • Punitive damages are meant to penalize the responsible party and financially discourage them from acting in a similar way in the future.

What is the statute of limitations for filing a spinal cord injury lawsuit in Atlanta, Georgia?

In Georgia, you have up to two years from the date of your accident to file a spinal cord injury lawsuit.

How are damages calculated in spinal cord injury cases in GA?

Damages are calculated by first adding up all your economic losses. Economic losses are defined as the actual financial losses you’ve experienced. This could include the costs of your medical treatment, lost wages, property damage and more. From there, your non-economic losses will be considered, which are losses that are harder to value like pain and suffering. Your non-economic losses will be assigned a multiplier from 1.5 to 5, and that number will be multiplied by the sum of your economic losses. That figure will be added to your economic losses to determine the overall value of your claim.

Can I file a spinal cord injury claim if the injury aggravated a pre-existing condition?

Yes. You can’t get compensation for your pre-existing medical condition, but if an accident aggravated it or made it worse, then you are eligible for compensation to cover the additional costs.

What role do medical experts play in a spinal cord injury lawsuit?

A spinal cord injury can impact your overall quality of life, especially when your condition requires a long-term recovery or will result in permanent changes to your ability to function. In these situations, it can be difficult to properly explain to a court the extent of your injuries and how they are likely to impact your entire life. Since you also probably don’t realize how seriously your injury could impact your future, it’s often best to hire a medical expert witness who can testify on your behalf regarding the seriousness of your situation.

How can a spinal cord injury lawyer assist me throughout the legal process in Atlanta, Georgia?

If you opt to hire an attorney, then your lawyer will ensure that your losses are correctly evaluated and proven with specific documentation. Once your lawyer builds up a strong case, the other party will be more likely to settle for what you owe. Overall, your attorney will ensure that your legal rights and your best interests are considered throughout the process.

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